I love xkcd. Here I was, in a writing slump. Do I have things I could write about? Sure, but I just didn't feel like it. And then, with perfect timing, this comic is posted:
I see two things in this comic. One, I find it really disturbing that someone would write a slash fic about two men who are most famous for writing (Strunk) and editing (White) a popular style manual. I like to think of myself as a language geek, but that's going a bit far.
Second, I find it interesting that fan fiction pairings have their own naming conventions, two names separated by a forward slash. Furthermore, such pairings are also known as slash pairings for the same reason (so named for the forward slash). It's a good example of how language evolves to meet the needs of the speakers (or in this case, the typers).
Update: Someone did try to write Strunk/White slash fiction. You can find it here: http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3260#more-3260.
I stopped reading quickly. The weirdest thing is that this site is mostly contributed to by professional linguists. Good job guys, you are definitely more dedicated to being language geeks than I am.
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